Monthly Archives: June 2011

More on the stabbing outside M&S

Blackheath Bluecoat schoolboy taken to hospital after ‘fight with gang’
Good article in the News Hopper about the stabbing yesterday. Can’t be easy being a head teacher in London.


Filed under blackheath

More on the car crash

Last night Sgt McClellan of the local Safer Neighbourhoods Team has sent out the circular below to all his local contacts, including the BVRG.

Dear All

Tonight at 1750 hours a blue Volvo was chased by police that was involved in firearms, and failed to stop for police. It was chased around Lee High Road, and eventually crashed at 12 Blackheath Village SE3, at the butchers. The vehicle mounted the kerb and drove on the footway from the little roundabout, all the way down between the shops and the bus stops ON THE FOOTWAY, making people dive out the way quickly. A very dangerous driver. Two males have been arrested and are currently being processed at Lewisham Police Station.

I have sent out a witness appeal via the text message system, as the more people that come forward the better, this male needs to be sent to prison and the team are investigating him now.

Please can you canvas as many people as possible and get them to call 0300 123 1212 with the details of what they saw, this can then be collated in all one place.

Thanks in anticipation.

Sergeant Mark McLellan MInstLM | Blackheath and Lee Green SNT | Lewisham Borough
address 43 Lewisham High Street, SE13 5JZ
telephone 0208 284 8497 | mobile 0755 7676 271 |email mark.mclellan AT
airwave (108900) 475525

With the usual caveats about speaking to the police (link is US-centric, but you get the idea).


Filed under blackheath, blackheath village, crime

Foxtons lies

Foxtons non illuminated fascia sign
Here’s a wonderful thing. Above is a photo of Foxtons in Blackheath. Does that look like “non-illuminated fascia” to you? No, didn’t think so.

Which is interesting, as their planning consent clearly states that their signage doesn’t light up.

Advertisement consent was approved in September 2010, in
respect of the installation of non illuminated fascia and projecting sign.

It also states that they must not open on Sundays. And yet every Sunday, there they openly selling overpriced flats to the good residents of Blackheath. Because council planning rules don’t apply to people who can afford to flaunt them.

They’ve currently got a planning request in with the council to adjust the opening hours to include Sundays. I’m sure it will be approved. Maybe they could put a children’s library in the basement at the same time?

The council should either enforce planning rules or just not bother and go home. I’m sure there are other useful services they could spend the money on.

(thanks to 853blog for the tip-off).


Filed under blackheath, estate agents, planning

Stabbing and car crash

Stabbing up in Blackheath Standard, and a car crash opposite the butchers in Blackheath village. Nasty business.


Filed under blackheath, crime

Sad little messages

Budgie missing
As Mrs Bugle once owned a budgie called Charlie, I feel duty bound to inform you of the sad little message pinned to a lamp post near the Thai restaurant. If anyone has seen two budgies, please call 07944063727.

Equally as depressing, the “pint sized library offer” currently available at the Age Exchange, open monday-friday 10-5, saturday 10-4, closed on Sunday. Phase 2 opens on August 1st.

Incidentally, can anyone explain to me why it would be a good idea to permanently close the side exit from Blackheath station by barricading it with a bannister? Tired commuters on their way home used to love gasping out into the open air. No more.


Filed under blackheath

Assembly coming up

Sphericalfruit writes:

sphericalfruit: Blackheath residents: the Assembly meets at St. Matthews Academy on 5th July at 7.30pm to vote on library budget @UKpling @blackheathbugle

If it’s as much fun as the last one I attended, it should be fabulous.

Which reminds me – Blackheath Society are asking for Christmas card designs. Mine’s below.
Never Mind the Library, at least there's no festival
Based on this photo from Flickr.

PS: Sorry for the lack of posts currently. New flat and new job don’t make for easy blogging. It will pick up soon hopefully. Please send me stuff if you think I’m missing things!


Filed under blackheath

Mini Cooper on fire

A mini cooper caught fire in the high street last night. Spotted by Twitter user @edlewisfrench.


Filed under blackheath

Eclipsnic Tonight from 9pm!

Blackheath Eclipsnic Lunar Eclipse Picnic tonight 9pm
Come and wonder at the pink moon tonight on Blackheath! From 9pm the Flamsteed amateur astronomy society will be holding a lunar eclipse picnic (wonderfully dubbed the “Eclipsnic”), at the location shown above, which isn’t a million miles away from the Blackheath Tea Hut. Anyone can come along, it’s free, but I guess warm clothes and a pair of binoculars would be a plus. It’s a great idea. More info on their site.

See the previous post about this here.


Filed under astronomy, blackheath, events, things to do

The Greenwich Park Encroachments…

If I had more time (which I don’t right now), I would take my GPS phone, and walk around all of the Olympic encroachments within Greenwich park. Trace a line exactly around the boundaries, and see that they match up exactly with what was promised. Trails is a good app to use for this. If anyone else has time, please send me the trails that you make! I can understand certain areas being fenced off, but is is really necessary to hang sheets over the fences to block the view?


Filed under blackheath, greenwich, Not Blackheath but nearby, Olympics

I’ve been embossed!

Went for a curry to recover from a day of wallpaper steaming at the lovely Spice of Life curry house, only to discover that they’ve put my review, and the reply on the back of their menus (the in-house ones, not the takeaways). What an honour!


Filed under blackheath, food