Monthly Archives: November 2011

Coquillage opens tomorrow

Coquillage Fishmonger Blackheath opening soon

The much-awaited fishmonger opens tomorrow morning.  Hope it’s good for you (vegetarian Bugles need not apply, although I’m sure the fish-and-chipocrite Mrs Bugle will be investigating).


Filed under blackheath, shops

Destination unknown

This morning Mrs Bugle’s train to Charing Cross mysteriously became a train to Victoria.  The driver apologised for the  “total mess causes by this, on behalf of the company”.

I’m starting to think that the fireworks conspirators may have a point…


Filed under blackheath


No trains today. Angry line of “customers”. They’ve all touched in, because there is no sign on the oystercard reader. Touching out again will cost them £1.30. “Why don’t you put a sign on the reader?”

“The management don’t want us to.”

There is no independent thought within the Borg.


Filed under blackheath

An infographic from 1697…

A description of the army camp on Blackheath 1697
Nice find over on British Army Lineages – a description of the army camping on Blackheath from 1697:

Partial transcription from my squinting at the text (shout if you see mistakes, or manage to transcribe the rest!):

A description of the camp on Blackheath which begun on Thursday the 1st of July 1697.

On Tuesday the 1st day of July 1697, the 7 Regiments of Foot marcht to Black-heath in the County of Ken, about 6 Mile from London’ in order to Encamped, and having the Ground set out for the setting up their Tents’ and on Thursday and Friday the 1st and 2d Days of July, the 7 Regiments of Foot came all into the Camp, then the Camp was full, which consisteth of 7 Regiments. Lieutenant Colonel Withers Brigadier for this Camp, acteth as chief. The distance of each Regiment as they are Encamped on the Heath is 24 Paces; and between the Regiments they are xx Paces. The distance of the Foot Companies one from another, is about 4 Paces in the Front, and 12 Tents in File, two Foot between every Tent; in length 813 Paces from thence to the Brigadiers Tent.
Continue reading


Filed under blackheath, history

Greenwich moves closer to hiving off libraries

More good news.

853blog: Greenwich moves closer to hiving off libraries


Filed under blackheath

Blackheath Fireworks in 3D

All the Blackheath fireworks videos I’ve been able to find are wobbly. I spend quite a lot of time each year looking through them, because I’ve never managed to go to the event itself! I couldn’t find any professionally shot clips on YouTube. Even Lewisham council’s preview trailer is wobbly.

So, if you’ve got to have wobbly, at least you can have wobbly in 3D. Hit play, then click on the 3D button to change the viewing method. If you haven’t got any red-cyan glasses, then your best bet is to set it to “side by side”, don’t watch in full screen mode, and cross your eyes a bit. Avatar it ain’t, but it’s still quite neat. See also: the classic Blackheath footage of Ollie the Dog in 3D (fewer explosions, more woofing).


Filed under blackheath, fireworks

Fried octopus was a large number of people

Love the Google Translate version of this Japanese review of Blackheath:

Southwest of Greenwich Park, 170 acres of land in Blackheath airy pond that is almost grasslands in two places. I really feel no huge telephone pole wires were also being handed down Hakare topic in a beater. I even wonder that there is space in a city like this. Fried octopus was a large number of people. It’s a sport. Church steeple (Saints Church) and may determine the direction to a landmark.

If anyone speaks Japanese, please let me know the real translation!

PS – sorry for the lack of posts recently. Been very busy.


Filed under blackheath