Mini Cooper on fire

A mini cooper caught fire in the high street last night. Spotted by Twitter user @edlewisfrench.


Filed under blackheath

9 responses to “Mini Cooper on fire

  1. Kate

    I never thought of Blackheath having a High Street.

  2. Concerned Estate Agent

    Was it a Foxtons one?

  3. Michele O'Brien

    You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off.

  4. scared of chives

    Is that Obama’s limo in the foreground?

  5. Matt Johnstone

    My girlfriend rang the fire brigade, apparently loads of smoke was coming out the bonnet but people were just walking past doing nothing!

  6. Softy

    A Peugeot 306 went up in flames tonight on the outskirts of town.

  7. MC

    Burnt out cars in Blackheath. Watch property prices plummet.

  8. ElizaF

    First Foxtons and then burnt out cars, skid row here we come!

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