Tag Archives: sale

Prime Time Going?

Prime Time DVD Shop Closing Down Sale Blackheath
I hope this is a typo. Wandered back home last night to see “Closing Down Sale” signs plastered all over the strangest and best movie shop in the world. This could be disastrous. I even cancelled our LoveFilm subscription on the basis that poking around Prime Time’s dusty shelves was more fun than waiting for a film that you didn’t care about to land on the doormat. Perhaps it’s just a renovation? I’ll find out more.


Filed under shops

Bookshop on the Heath Sale

The Bookshop on the Heath in Blackheath
Now, I promise that this won’t become a habit – you will not see many notices here about shops running sales… However, The Bookshop on the Heath is a special case, as mentioned before. It is possibly the best shop in Blackheath, certainly one of the nicest for perusing on a Saturday morning, and they are (I am informed by the owner) having a sale this week.  So if you fancy picking up some awesome sci-fi, or wonderful children’s books, head over – (where else can you find On Wings of Song by crazy, suicidal, 60’s new-wave author Thomas M Disch and old hardback copies of The Wind in the Willows with E.H. Shepard’s illustrations in the same shop?)

Anyway, they are having a sale, although the discounts are mostly on the posters, postcards and things other than booksUPDATE: They actually have a 50% discount off most books as well as the posters and postcards.

It’s a lovely shop, so go and have a look.  http://www.bookshopontheheath.co.uk/

The Bookshop on the Heath Ltd 74 Tranquil Vale, Blackheath, London SE3 0BW Tel: 020 88524786


Filed under blackheath, shops, things to do