Tag Archives: bookshop

Finally a reason to watch daytime ITV

Richard from the Bookshop on the Heath writes:

You may be interested to hear that Blackheath (Oxfam Shop & our Bookshop) featured on House Gift that was broadcast on ITV last Friday, 25 Feb. It was about two Blackheath residents for whom the presenters were searching for a surprise anniversary gift.

I’m outsıde the UK right now, so the link won’t play for me. Hopefully it works for you. (Let me know in the comments when Blackheath appears, so that others don’t have to watch the whole thing!)

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Filed under blackheath, shops

Bookshop on the Heath Sale

The Bookshop on the Heath in Blackheath
Now, I promise that this won’t become a habit – you will not see many notices here about shops running sales… However, The Bookshop on the Heath is a special case, as mentioned before. It is possibly the best shop in Blackheath, certainly one of the nicest for perusing on a Saturday morning, and they are (I am informed by the owner) having a sale this week.  So if you fancy picking up some awesome sci-fi, or wonderful children’s books, head over – (where else can you find On Wings of Song by crazy, suicidal, 60’s new-wave author Thomas M Disch and old hardback copies of The Wind in the Willows with E.H. Shepard’s illustrations in the same shop?)

Anyway, they are having a sale, although the discounts are mostly on the posters, postcards and things other than booksUPDATE: They actually have a 50% discount off most books as well as the posters and postcards.

It’s a lovely shop, so go and have a look.  http://www.bookshopontheheath.co.uk/

The Bookshop on the Heath Ltd 74 Tranquil Vale, Blackheath, London SE3 0BW Tel: 020 88524786


Filed under blackheath, shops, things to do