Daily Archives: January 5, 2012

The Olympic Washerwoman’s Bottom

Olympic live event plans next to the church
Plans are available now to see what is planned on the field next to the church during the Olympics. As spotted by the Blackheath Village Residents Group:

The proper name of this area is Washerwoman’s Bottom, but the Council has chosen the more demure Church Field.

Live showings from 9am until 11pm each day, with booze served from 12noon onwards from 27th July until 12th August 2012, with up to 4,999 people in the venue.

Full details here, and license application here.


Filed under blackheath, lewisham, Olympics, planning

Pub clicks

Above are the answers to the which-pub-got-the-most-clicks-in-the-week-before-new-year quiz, a day later than I had promised… The interesting thing to me is that Cave Austin appears to be the main draw for people. I’d assumed that the pubs would be of more interest, but evidently not. Anyway, wishing you all a good 2012.


Filed under blackheath