Daily Archives: March 24, 2010

Blackheath Hospital in print

Blackheath Hospital in the Illustrated London News from 1856.
Fancy a pen and ink illustration of Hogwarts? Someone’s flogging a page from an 1856 issue of The Illustrated London News on Amazon, for the princely sum of $21.75 (or £20.42 in old money, including shipping).

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Pushing the boundaries…

I was wondering why Darryl had made such a long and complicated description of the electoral boundary changes – why not just upload a map? Surely the maps outlining the electoral boundaries must be held in public, and be freely distributable?

Well, not exactly. There’s this wet blanket of a site, from Ordnance Survey (friends of the Free Our Data campaign). Good luck with zooming out. And you’re not allowed to view more than one constituency at a time… But why on earth would you want to do that? Ridiculous. And who paid for the creation of these maps? You and me (and probably your great-grandparents, come to think of it).

You are also not allowed to reproduce them. Unless you’re in Sweden and have a rather more relaxed view of copyright law… Someone appears to have uploaded a map showing the old boundaries around Blackheath in blue, and the new ones in red. Unchanged bits are in purple.


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