
Sorry for the lack of posts. Holidays and work all at once. No excuse I know, and I was sad to miss the Race for Life.

Rachel writes:

I heard that on Tuesday last week (3 July) Blackheath councillors had a meeting with constituents attended by a representative from the Olympics police, to hear/answer their concerns about the Olympics. Could I ask please if this meeting was written up and reported anywhere in a newspaper or on the web? Did anyone tweet from the meeting?

The South African Times thinks that “middle class leafy Blackheath” is far less concerned about the missiles than Bow. I beg to differ.

I see that there’s till no advertising on the station’s new wobbly bridge. Yet…

Councillor Kevin Bonavia replied:

In answer to Rachel’s question about what happened at the Blackheath Assembly meeting on 3 July, we had a return visit from the MOD and Metropolitan Police Olympics liaison officers, who gave a presentation and took questions from residents. I don’t have a full note of everything that was said, but we were given copies of the attached leaflet for Blackheath residents as prepared by the MOD. The leaflet gives much more detailed information than that contained in the earlier version circulated back in March. In particular, it provides a response to my commonly shared concern about security of the site, namely that it will be protected by armed police in addition to MOD personnel. Please also note the contact details if there any questions that fall outside the leaflet.

MOD Missiles Leaflet (pdf)

The Missile Hotline is 07879 603506. They say that you can leave a message and a representative of the Ministry of Defence will call you back. Alternatively, you can email LONDIST-MoDOlympicsEnquiries@mod.uk


Filed under blackheath, fucking missiles

2 responses to “Missiles

  1. Paul

    The missiles are already back! Arrived today (12th) by the looks of things. http://www.demotix.com/news/1329535/olympic-missiles-return-blackheath-london

  2. Adrian

    Nice that we get news and opinion from the SA Times. What a petty we don’t get the same on BBC, SKY, London Times, or even Greenwich Mean Time.

    Oh, perhaps it is a secret. Bugle, you blew it! I can hear dark helicopters approach even now.

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