Prime Time Closing Down: Mobbed

Prime Time video busy in Blackheath
I’ve just been into PrimeTime. It is absolutely mobbed with people grabbing all of their DVDs. It’s not even that much of a bargain- each disc has a coloured sticker that determines its fate. I asked when it was due to close -“when it’s all gone”. I also asked what was going to replace it – “well, I don’t think it will be a DVD shop”. My shopping bag was full of all the films I’d intended to watch everytime I’d wandered in there. It’s a real shame. I guess the onward march of Internet rentals will offer more choice eventually, but it’s not the same. It was a great place. Maybe the Travel Lounge will become the Film Lounge? I doubt it somehow.


Filed under blackheath

3 responses to “Prime Time Closing Down: Mobbed

  1. This post was sponsored by the word “it”.

  2. I don’t suppose you happen to know the owner’s name? I was hoping to speak to him for an article (on indie rental shops closing down) and I don’t know if they’re still opening for the sale but they’re shut every time I go past and no answer when I try to phone. So if they are opening, I’m not catching them…

    • Daniel Solomons

      Just seen this article and very sad as I was involved in setting up the store. It was owned by Tony Banks who I believe still lives above the store. He also has right angle further down in the village. If I can help at all (Though probably too late now) let me know. I worked in the industry for 12 years, including 5 of those for Prime Time.

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