Speak to your local politicians

If glaring at them as you enter the station isn’t doing it for you, you’ll have an opportunity to put questions directly to (some of) them, as Blackheath Halls is holding a Hustings event on Monday 26th April 2010, 7.30 – 9.30 pm.

Free entry, and the following prospective candidates will be there:

David Gold – Conservative, Eltham
Pete Pattisson – Liberal Democrat, Lewisham East
Nick Raynsford – Labour, Greenwich and Woolwich

Independent commentators:
Malcolm Levitt – economist
John Palmer – political journalist
In the chair – Sir Ian Mills

Seems very odd to me that they are all from different constituencies, so there won’t be any easy to see differences between politicians in your own voting area.

Send me better links if you have them – (Malcolm Levitt’s Google Juice appears to be rather low).

PDF from Blackheath Society Blackheath Halls Hustings.


Filed under blackheath, events, politics, things to do

4 responses to “Speak to your local politicians

  1. G

    You’re right, it’s a bizarre way to organise a hustings, and why no Green Party person on the panel?

  2. Interesting, and agreed it’s bizarre. I’ve read about a specific hustings in Eltham on Wed 28 April of Eltham candidates but it seems to be set in a church and “to meet and question candidates on issues of special concern to Christians.” Which is fine. But what about the rest? (at: http://www.egcc.co.uk/?p=871)

  3. Sue

    There’s a distinct lack of gender balance there too, as well as the lack of Green candidate!

  4. Pingback: Lewisham gets proper hustings, Blackheath not so lucky « The Blackheath Bugle

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